Construction Students build Sustainable Careers

In recognition that many of their 16-18 students learning construction will progress to jobs and/or further learning where technical Green Skills will be required, Walsall College ensures that all construction students learn about sustainability from the outset.

Students on Level 1 Multi-skills courses have an additional 90 minutes a week, alongside their main programme, learning Construction Industry Studies which covers careers, employability and applications. In addition, students have 30 minutes per week to cover a discrete stand on sustainability. The programme starts with the definition of sustainability, the broad themes around the impact on society, the economy and the environment, and the UN’s 17 Strategic Development Goals. With this foundation, students apply the concepts to the construction sector and they learn about the circular economy and how the sector can use alternative sources of energy, reduce carbon, manage waste and increase recycling.

The learning is brought to life through off-site visits such as to SparkWalsall brownfield site which is being developed by in a sustainable way by John F Hunt Regeneration Ltd. Students learn about the economic factors at stake when a contaminated area is being re-developed and the financial imperative to take preventative action to reduce waste and pollution. Visits to the Persimmon Homes site at Tipton to learn about modern methods of construction as well as the more traditional methods.

Most young people come with broad awareness of sustainability through school subjects like Geography and social media, but this programme provides the vital link to their chosen industry. The programme provides a good foundation in sustainability literacy for young people, making them aware of the impact the construction industry has on the environment, how they can reduce carbon and waste and how their actions will make a difference to the climate crisis.

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